Learning something new is always an adjustment. Some people pick things up faster than others. Sometimes when you are new you just don’t know you what you don’t know. My last blog post was the mistakes you could make BEFORE your first bike purchase. These next three beginner mistakes are on the road.
1. Following distance: Keep a good amount of space between you and the car in front of you. This is good device for every new car driver as well. Your insurance company will find you liable if you rear end someone. Your rate could skyrocket over a fender bender.
Bikes are fast. Sometimes it’s hard to keep space in front of you, but it’s extremely important. Not only could you launch yourself through some car’s back window, but if the rider in front of you goes down you could hit them.
2. Proper use of brakes: 80% your stopping power is your front brakes, yet there are still some people who don’t use their brakes properly. Using your back brake to balance your bike on a steep hill is also something a beginner may not think to do.
3. Clutching through turns: Make sure you are in the proper gear BEFORE the turn, then accelerate out of it.