I received a message from a gentleman that needed his KLR650 serviced. He said it was running a few days prior and then it wouldn’t start. I said I would love to take a look at it for him. He responded saying the bike was modified and was a little larger than stock. I was thinking “OK, maybe he is like 7ft tall and he put a lift kit on a KLR.” He sent me a picture and to my surprise it had a pretty sweet sidecar on it. I was really intrigued with the build, so I could not wait to get it into the shop.
It arrived on a flat-bed truck, and as soon as it hit the ground I was snapping pictures of it and drooling over the welds of the sidecar. The KLR was a simple fix. It had a lose electrical connection on the starter relay, so I had it up and running in no time. I was super glad about that because I could not wait to take it on a test ride.
At first I was a little nervous taking this out on the street. I have driven sidecars before and this one felt nothing like the others. The weight distribution on this thing was very nose heavy. That lead to some pretty insane wobbles and steering pull when you would get hard on the brakes or under hard acceleration. I then took a passenger out on a ride and that helped even out the ride.
When the customer came to pick up his crazy bike I asked “Why?” He said “I was looking for something crazy and different so when I saw it for sale I had to have it!” I asked him if how it rode was normal if it had always been like that. He said it was, the problems would go away as you increased in speed which is what I thought I just didn’t have the kahunas to get it over 70mph. He mentioned there was a nostalgic feeling driving his crazy machine and I completely agree!